Access Community, Social and Recreation Activities
$528.44 ($62.17 x 8.5 hours including all activity charges, lunch, insurance, social support and administration)
Individual 1:1 Weekday Daytime (04_104_0125_6_1)
Grand Total
* excluding provider travel, activity travel and extra person charges (if required)
*Provider Travel: $1.00 per/km
pro rata per participant under
*Activity Travel: $1.00 per/km
pro rata per participant under
*Extra Person: $124.34
Actual costs may be subject to change depending on venue/catering hire amendments that may occur by other providers required for the event which are outside of our control.
Any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Rooster Tours Pty Ltd such as catering, activities and equipment will still be charged if the service is cancelled by the participant within 72 hours beforethe event.